There is an alarming urgency in America.
American elementary school-age children (5-12) are being exposed to overwhelming and complex issues every day. They are put into difficult situations at such a young age and are forced to create a worldview based on the current culture in our secular society. They are learning a worldview that is challenging to process or fully understand.
How can we advocate for the next generation?
FP Game Day clubs are the answer to this pressing need!
God has opened a door.
Studies have shown and empirical evidence has declared elementary school-age children are the most open to hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Studies have concluded that over 85% of Christians come to know Christ between the ages of 4-14 years old. Most of the kids in this “4-14 window” include elementary school children. Together we have an opportunity to reach the next generation when their ears and hearts are open to hearing about the Good News!

85% of Christians make a decision for Christ between 4 to 14 years old.